Saturday 6 June 2015

Saturday Rave: A Good Housewife by A Gates.

File:Hyundai Robex 55-3 excavator, Iceland.jpg
Photo Marek Ślusarczyk

Some years ago Mr Gates came to do some building work for us. He and his team were terrific - independent, sturdy, slightly cynical, laconic (though communicative enough), humorous, serious, and experienced.

They got quite a few more jobs in the road on the strength of their work for us.

I saw Mr Gates a few weeks after he'd left us. He had a slightly harried look about him.

'Coo,' he said, 'you've got some funny neighbours, haven't you?'

I could only agree that some of his recent clients were indeed very odd.

'Ah well,' I told him, comfortingly. 'At least you're with Maureen, now,' (names have been changed). 'I'm sure she's looking after you.'

He sighed, hugely.

'Huh,' he said. 'She catches the dust as it falls, that one does.'

It was an expression that still gives me intense pleasure many years on.

Word To Use Today: dust. This word comes from the Old English dūst, and is related to the Old High German tunst, which means storm.


  1. I had an aunt like Maureen, actually. Her name was Matilda...she used to whisk away ashtrays before you'd finished your cigarette and stubbed it out. Remember Cigarettes??

    1. Just vaguely, I think. But then I remember snuff, too. And that was SO much worse!


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