Thursday, 19 July 2018

Mixedsex school: a rant.

James Tooley, Professor of Education Policy at Newcastle University, England, is setting up a low-cost private school in the City of Durham.

'We're recruiting at the moment, and hope to have 65 mixed sex pupils, aged four to nine, in our classrooms when we open on 17 September', he is quoted as saying in an article in the Telegraph newspaper last week.

Good heavens. I mean, I'm happy to embrace LGBTQetc diversity, and I try my hardest to keep up-to-date with agender, bi-gender, cisgender, demigender, intergender, genderqueer, transgender and thirdgender categories, but a whole school of mixed sex pupils? Aged four to nine?

I suppose it might - just might - be a good idea...'s hard to believe that a school founded by someone who can't distinguish between mixed sex pupils and mixed sex classes is one, though.

But still, perhaps Professor Tooley was misquoted.

Word To Use Today: class. The Latin word classis means class, rank, or fleet. It's related to calāre, to summon.

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