Saturday, 29 September 2018

Saturday Rave: an infinite number of monkeys.

I was watching a TV programme about infinity the other day, and it said that the chance of a monkey typing the complete works of Shakespeare was equivalent to someone winning the jackpot on the British (presumably) lottery every week for twenty six thousand years.

It brought home to me just how amazing it is that a monkey - or, at least, an ape - has already done it.

The ape was, of course, called William Shakespeare.

As the Great Ape himself had a thirteen-year-old girl (Juliet, of course) say:

My bounty is as boundless as the sea. 
My love as deep; the more I give to thee 
The more I have, for both are infinite

Though I must say that Shakespeare did have a rather cynical view of infinity: I mean, it was so long since his 'fellow of infinite jest' had actually cracked a joke that he rose from the grave (alas! Poor Yorick!) in no great shape to deal with the infinite demands of immortality.

Ah well. As a confused character in the same play observes:

File:Bernhardt Hamlet2.jpg

I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself the king of infinite space were it not that I had bad dreams.

I mean, you can see why most monkeys would have trouble coming up with that.

Word To Use Today: infinity. The Latin finītus means limited.

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