Thursday, 22 November 2018

Mum's the word: a rant.

A large majority of people that have been pregnant or have given birth identify as women, the British Medical Association informs doctors in a booklet called A Guide To Effective Communication: Inclusive Language in the Workplace.

Well, I'm sure we are all awestruck. I mean, just imagine what it must be like to have that sort of in-depth technical knowledge! 

The advice goes on:

We can include intersex men and trans-men who may get pregnant by saying "pregnant people".

And so we can, but how about the vast majority of pregnant people who do actually identify as expectant mothers? Or who quite appreciate the no longer recommended term Mrs? Or who rather like having a husband being referred to, well, as a husband?

If the BMA's booklet gets its way, I shall no longer even be a wife or a mother, even though as a matter of fact I self-identify as both.

Personally, I find this rather upsetting. I mean, I've suffered for the labels Mrs, wife and mother.

And I jolly well think I should get the credit for it.

Word To Use Today: identity. This word comes from the Latin identitas, from idem, which means the same.

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