Sunday, 25 November 2018

Sunday Rest: dulcify. Word Not To Use Today.

Imagine a word meaning to make pleasant or agreeable. One to cast over a sentence a haze of delight and ease.

One which summons up sweet shade, glowing health, and sparkling water (or, alternatively, if that's your sort of thing, chairs clustered outside cafés in streets dotted with interior design shops and 
pervaded by the subtle ambiance of faraway bagpipes).*

So, what word would that be?

Well, despite the dictionary, it's not going to be dulcify, is it.

Sunday Rest: dulcify. This word comes from two Latin word, dulcis, sweet, and facere to make.

*Okay: very faraway bagpipes.

Abraham Bloemaert - The Bagpiper - WGA02274.jpg
painting by Abraham Bloemaert

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