Sunday, 14 April 2019

Sunday Rest: celebutante. Word Not To Use Today.

A celebutante is, according to my Collins dictionary, a young woman from a wealthy background who becomes a celebrity.

There are still plenty of these specimens around, but fortunately the word celebutante itself seems to have fallen into desuetude. 

This is a good thing.

As for the young women themselves, well, they do tend to be bouncingly enthusiastic and have good hair.

And above all, thank heavens, none of them have been to flipping Eton.

Word Not To Use Today: celebutante. This is a mixture of the words celebrity and debutante. The Latin word celeber means renowned or, equally aptly, numerous. Debutante comes from the French word débuter, to lead off in a game. But means target, and is, amusingly, related to the word butt. 

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