Sunday, 2 June 2019

Sunday Rest: fleagan. Word Not To Use Today.

A fleagan?

A part-time vegan, apparently.

Assuming, as one surely must, that part-time vegan includes anyone who eats the occasional bag of chips or crisps, or has been known to eat an apple, then that means a fleagan is...

...well, basically, someone with a sharp and hypocritical eye for fashion and boasting rights.

I think we should of course treat him or her with exactly the amount of respect that deserves.

Word Not To Use Today: fleagan. Well, the -gan bit must be to do with the -gan in vegan, I suppose, but the flea- is puzzling. I'd expect this to be called a flexigan (though I must admit that sounds like a one-size knitted garment). 

Ah, but perhaps the flea- is a small biting insect which hops from one thing to another. Yes, that makes sense. In that case, the word comes from the Old English flēah, flea.

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