Friday, 28 June 2019

Word To Use Today: KuToo.

KuToo is a new word based on another new word, namely Metoo, as in the #Metoo movement.

(For those who have been reading nothing but Jane Austen for the last couple of years, the #Metoo movement is a campaign to highlight and outlaw sexual harassment in the workplace. The campaign was started, as it happens, by Hollywood actresses.)

Now, unusually, the word KuToo is not only new, but clever.

Well, it's clever if you're Japanese, anyway.

What's it all about? There's a law in Japan which says that high heels in the workplace can be necessary and appropriate.

Yumi Ishikawa, who used to work in the Japanese hotel industry, left her job because her feet were killing her. Now she has started a campaign called #Kutoo with a petition to have that law changed.

There is some resistance to the idea of change, but any government official who supports the law promoting high heels must, surely, be prepared to wear high heels all day himself.

Personally, I look forward very much to seeing the next meeting of the Japanese government.

Word To Use Today: KuToo. This word echoes the #MeToo campaign, and also gives a nod to the Japanese word for shoes, kutsu, and the Japanese word for pain, kutsuu.


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