Sunday, 29 September 2019

Sunday Rest: kritarchy.

WARNING: if you use the word kritarchy most people start wondering if this means government by critters.

Then they will start wondering what might be the best sort of critter to put in charge of the country.

This will result in them not listening to another word you say.

Word Not To Use Today: kritarchy. This word means rule by judges, and was first described in the biblical Book of Judges. The word comes from the Greek words krites, judge, and arkhein, to rule.


File:6 bonobos WHCalvin IMG 1341.jpg
photo by  Wcalvin

PS I wrote this post before last Monday, when Britain's Supreme Court went bananas and made Britain into a kritarchy. As far as I know, though no one has actually used the word (I have seen Supreme Court-archy) and so generally this post is still true - except that the thing about the bonobos seems rather less bonkers.

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