Thursday, 24 October 2019

March of the Giraffes: a rant.

Many human beings in Britain are keen that we should have another referendum about Brexit.

I know the famous definition of madness is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result (can anyone really think another referendum would soothe the nation?) but what bugs me is that the campaign in favour of this are calling it a People's Vote.

I mean, who do they think voted last time?


Word Not To Use Carelessly Today: people. This word comes from the Norman French people...arrgghhh! No it doesn't! Oh dear, Blogger won't let me type that word as it should be. The word people comes from the Norman French word which looks like people, but has the o before the first e. Previously, the word comes from the Latin word populus, which does indeed mean, well, populace.

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