Friday, 27 December 2019

Word To Use Today: magi.

The magi are on their way. They won't actually arrive in Bethlehem until January 6th, so I'm not sure exactly where they are at this very moment: in a cheap motel somewhere, probably, or else camping under a camel.

There are often said to be three of the magi, but that's just because they brought three gifts. It's more likely (as they were men) that several of them won't have thought to buy anything, and that several of the others will have panicked at the last minute and got something from a garage. 

Still, you can never go wrong with a muesli bar, or an air-freshener in the shape of a cartoon character. Can you?

Mind you, as the magi are otherwise known as the Wise Men they are probably quite good at all the science stuff, so they may have worked out the final destination of the star and be planning on taking a cut-price cheapo flight at the last minute.

On the other hand, if they were that wise then they wouldn't have done the visiting-the-cruel-king-and-telling-him-that-his-reigning-days-were-numbered thing.

File:Ravenna Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo 3 Wise men.jpg
Basilica of Sant'Apollinaire Nuovo, Ravenna. Photo by Username.Ruge


...I bet you anything you like they're sleeping under a camel.

Word To Use Today: magi. This word comes from the Old Persian magus, a magician.

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