Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Thing To Be Today: devoted.

Devotion is an odd thing. How does it begin? With a look, with a word, with some subtle biological chemistry, as perhaps between a mother and her child?

My husband went to his first football* game as a small boy. His dad took him to a match between Millwall, his family's local team, and Shrewsbury Town (an organisation with which you may not be familiar as it doesn't really feature all that much in the glorious annals of the history of sport).

Despite this, Millwall somehow managed to lose 1-2, and the poor little boy got so cold watching the game that on the way home his dad had to take him to an auntie's house to get him thawed out. She was a very kind auntie, and gave the little boy a tot of brandy to help warm him through.

The brandy made him feel warmer, but it can't have made him feel much better because when the little boy finally got home he was sick all over the kitchen floor.

He's been utterly devoted to Millwall Football Club ever since.

As I said, devotion is an odd thing.

Thing To Be Today: devoted. The Latin word dēvōtus means, well, devoted. Or solemnly promised. Dēvovēre means to vow.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Someone. Thanks very much for commenting: it's always good to hear from people.
    Just as a matter of interest - and I know the scope will be absolutely vast - in what ways are you better than me?
    Just the three reasons will do.


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