Tuesday 28 April 2020

Thing To Do Today: a jig.

Lots of us are stuck inside a lot the moment and in need of exercise.

It's true that we can run on the spot, climb the height of Mount Everest by going up a step-ladder, or follow some keep-fit regime - but it's all a bit joyless, all the same.

So how about dancing a jig? It doesn't take up much room, it's good aerobic exercise, it'll bring joy to those around you (well, it'll bring a smile to their faces, anyway, though that might well be derision) and you can do whatever steps you like.

Oh, and, like all forms of exercise, it's lovely when it stops.

This is an Irish jig:

And here's something a bit more gentle, an English jig called Mad Molly.

There's nothing wrong with being just a bit mad, after all.

Have fun!

Thing To Do Today: a jig. This origin of this word is mysterious, but the tool called a jig is called after the dance because of all the jerking about involved in its operation.

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