Friday, 10 July 2020

Word To Use Today: omphaloskepsis.

The omphalos is the navel, and omphaloskepsis is navel-gazing.

It's practised by those too deeply stupid to have noticed that the rest of the world is approximately ten thousand times more interesting than they are (and that's only counting the rest of the world that happens to be in view at the time).

Omphaloskepsis, sadly, leads to a great number of tantrums because the poor boobs practising it think they aren't getting the attention that is their due. Whereas they are: it's just that they really aren't deserving of much attention.

An omphalos can mark the centre of anything, but is especially the sacred cone-shaped stone at Delphi in Ancient Greece which was said to mark the centre of the world.

But, as it turned out, the world didn't even spin round Delphi.

It might be a plan for us all to make a point of noticing six more interesting things than ourselves before breakfast.

Or during breakfast, anyway.

Word To Use Today: omphaloskepsis. Omphalos is Greek for navel. Skopein means to watch.

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