Thursday, 24 December 2020

Christmas Eve Necessities: a rant.

 Advert seen online:

There is nothing more magical than the perfect Christmas Eve. And for that, there are a few very important necessities.

Necessities for Christmas Eve? Oh, heavens, I hope they're something I've got, because the shops will be closing soon. 

Well, I've got the aspirin, the sticky tape and the batteries - and the digestive biscuits that Aunt Ada has to have every day at three o'clock exactly.

I've looked out some stockings to put by the chimney place. 

I think the food's all here - I've made a few mince pies, and we can mull some wine if we fancy it. The turkey is nearly defrosted.

But I'm sure I must have forgotten something...

Oh no! Of course, I haven't got a carrot for Rudolf! Now I'll have to go out again, but first I'd better check that advertisement to see if there's anything else I've forgotten.

There is nothing more magical than the perfect Christmas Eve. 

And for that, there are a few very important necessities:

New PJ's (bonus points for family matching)

 Matching family pyjamas?

Well, I suppose they'd be nice if you're going for a concentration-camp vibe.

But necessity?


Actually, I think Rudolf can make do with a parsnip. It'll make a nice change for him.

Happy Christmas!

Word To Use Correctly Today: necessity. The Latin word necesse means unavoidable.

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