Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Thing To Be Today: loquacious.

To be loquacious isn't necessarily a good thing. In fact people who go on and on and on are usually pretty boring, but still, the word loquacious is such a lovely, luscious, and delicately luminous one, conjuring up as it does visions of pears dripping sweet juices into the tropical shadows...


Is that just me, then?

Ah well.

All right, perhaps we shouldn't be loquacious, because the basic rule of conversation is simple: 

t divided by N = D

where t is Time, N is the number of people involved in a conversation, and D is the ideal duration of speech of any individual in the group.

There are many good conversations which don't follow this rule. 

But the very best ones do.

Thing Not To Be Today: loquacious. This word comes from the Latin loquī, to speak.

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