Saturday, 23 October 2021

Saturday Rave: The Very First Words.

 Happy Birthday, world!

Yes, according to the Irish bishop James Ussher (1581 - 1656) it was on this day in 4004BC that God created the world.

Ussher worked this out from adding up the ages of the various generations of hereditary Jewish leaders and Kings in the Bible. He also assumed that the Creation happened at a solstice or equinox (because God, obviously, really loved the patterns revealed by Maths) and that it must have been Autumn (because there was ripe fruit in the Garden of Eden).

And what were the first words God said? The first words anyone said? Well, they're written down for us in the third verse of the Bible.

God said: let there be light.

When you think about it, that's what anyone who was trying to make something would say. 

Isn't it.

Word To Use Today: light. The Old English form of this word was lēoht.

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