Thursday, 21 October 2021

The Cat in the Pot: a rant.

This is from a live feed in the Telegraph newspaper, 13/10/21. It's about some problems with a treaty between the European Union and Britain.

In London, it's been suggested that it [a suggested treaty change]...was a "dead cat" strategy to continue stirring the pot against Brussels. 

Well, if they've got a dead cat in the pot they're in even an even worse stew than I thought.

Word To Use Today: cat. And Old English cat was called a catte; a Latin cat was a cattus

A dead cat bounce was an expression coined in the 1980s to describe a share price which bounces up briefly during a period of sharp decline. 

A dead cat bounce is now used in politics to describe a politician, or a policy, which generates a spark of interest during a similar fall from grace. The assumption in both cases is that the fall will resume.

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