Thursday 3 March 2022

Crunch: a rant.

 How can a country accept as leader someone who has demonstrated publicly by his own words that he has lost his grip on reality?

How can a country go to war on the orders of someone obviously insane?

How can a country believe someone who has lied and lied and lied again, and boasted about his lies?

In the whole tragic mess that is the attack on Ukraine I've seen just one tiny chink of lightness, from the excellent writer Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in The Telegraph newspaper. 

He described the probable temporary shortage of some components for computers caused by sanctions against Russia as a worldwide chip crunch.

But all the rest is tears.

Word To Use Today: sanity. This word comes from the Latin sānitās, which means health, from sānus, healthy. So someone insane is diseased.

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