Friday, 5 July 2019

Word To Use Today: triptych/triptyque.

It's worth bearing in mind that whereas a triptych is a work of art in three parts, often folding and designed to be used as an altarpiece:

File:Gerard David - Triptych with the Nativity - WGA06016.jpg
Gerard David, Metropolitan Museum of Art

 a tryptyque is a permit for the temporary importation of a motor vehicle.

You could get into a lot of trouble with customs if you get those two mixed up.

Word To Use With Care Today: triptych/triptyque. The word triptych (it can also be a three-part writing tablet) comes from the Greek word triptukhos, from tri- plus ptux, plate; the word triptyque comes from the French triptych (which means the same as the English word) because it has three parts.

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