Monday, 24 January 2022

Spot the Frippet: something foliated.

 You'd think that something foliated was something covered in leaves, but it isn't. Not really. Something foliated is covered in something that looks like leaves, but probably aren't real ones.

It might be part of a building:  

a foliate capital, photo by Richard Croft

or it might describe a kind of rock that's formed of layers:

Gneiss. Photo by Siim Sepp 

or the word foliated might describe anything else that looks leafy, like this:

or this:

photo of a leafy sea dragon by drold

or this:

leaf-nosed viper, Photo by TimVickers

On the whole, I think I'll hope to see the plate.

Spot the Frippet: something foliated. This word comes from the Latin word foliātus, leafed or leafy.

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