Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Thing Not To Be Today: lysergical.

 Lysergic acid diethylamide is usually known as LSD.

It gives people hallucinations. It's illegal. 

Some people have said that it improves the quality of their creative output, but the truth remains that very nearly all the great works of art in the world have been made without its help.

LSD is deeply unpredictable. There's some evidence that medically supervised use over a short period may help some people who are mentally ill. There's also evidence that sometimes it makes some people go bonkers.

Lysergical is a new word, and seems to mean inspired by LSD

On the whole The Word Den would recommend a more reliable source of inspiration.

Thing Not To Be Today: lysergical. This word comes from the words hydrolysis and ergot. Ergot is a fungus that affects wheat, and is the original source of the compound LSD. The word ergot comes from the French word for spur of a cock, but what's that got to do with anything no one knows. The Greek word hudōr means water.

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