This blog is for everyone who uses words.

The ordinary-sized words are for everyone, but the big ones are especially for children.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Thing To Be Today Though Probably Only On The Outside: wet.

File:Wet tiger.jpg
photo of a Bengal tiger by Hein waschefort

I expect you've already been wet today, though hopefully with some soapy-type wetness, not through having been caught in the rain (in Northern and Central Australia, as it happens, the rainy season is called The Wet). 

Or, if washing was too much trouble, I hope at least you've wet your whistle, which is old-fashioned British for having a drink. (If you're in America then to be wet is to be in favour of the unrestricted sale of alcohol.)

In Britain, someone who's wet may in fact be entirely dry, because to be wet in Britain means to be a feeble person, someone who would rather be a wet blanket and spoil everyone's day than take a mild risk such as eating in an unknown restaurant or taking a trip in a rowing boat.

Someone who's only wet behind the ears, however, will be naive or inexperienced, still wet like a new-born baby. 

Lastly, how are you reading this? Using your wetware.

Wetware is, rather horribly, I think, a computer term for the human brain.


Thing To Be Today Though Probably Only On The Outside: wet. This word comes from the Old English wǣt, and is related to the Old Slavonic vedro, which means bucket.

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