Xanthrochroism is a condition found in animals which turns their normal colours yellow or orange,
Like this:

(this is the wild version:

or this:
(That's an Argentinian Horned Frog. They usually look like this:
photos by )
Or the budgie on the right:

photo by Jhwodchuck
English also has the word xanthrochroid, too, but that refers to a race of people who have pale hair and faces.
I worry that xanthrochroid might be an offensive term, but as there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a xanthrochroid race on Earth I can't see that it can be.
It makes one hard to spot, though.
I think I'll stick with looking out for a goldfish.
Spot the Frippet: xanthrochroism. This word comes from two Greek words, xanthos, which means yellow, and khroia, skin.
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