World Malaria Day?
But why on earth would anyone want a special day to celebrate malaria? Good grief, apart from anything else people will hardly have recovered from the World Tuberculosis Day parties on March 24.
Still, at least we have a good long break, then, before World Rabies Day on September 28.
For all these chances to celebrate we must give thanks to the United Nations, who have cast their official blessing on days throughout the year.
For instance, March 23rd (gosh, that really is a busy week) is World Meterological Day, when I suppose our parties rain champagne and snow desiccated coconut; and if you fancy something more substantial than that then 16 October is World Food Day.
What? You want something to celebrate a higher plane of existence? Well, how about Nov 16, World Philosophy Day? Or Dec 11, World Mountain Day?
Or perhaps they're too up-in-the-air. Can I suggest Nov 19, then, World Toilet Day? That has to bring a flush of joy to all nations.
By this time you will of course be asking what about today? So, what are we celebrating today?
Well, the UN doesn't seem to know this, but April 27 is World Tapir Day.
And that is certainly something well worth celebrating.

photo of a slightly grumpy baby tapir by frank wouters
Word To Use Today: I've already featured the word tapir on The Word Den, so how about malaria? It's from the Italian mala aria, which means bad air.
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