Well, actually, digging shallowly would do, because something hypogeal is something which lives or occurs below ground.
Yes, moles:

photo by Mick E. Talbot
are hypogeal, but they're difficult to see: but what about a potato? Or a peanut? Or a pebble?
There, that's three ideas and they're just a few very obvious ps.
Talking of ps, hypogeal germination is a botanical term which means that the first leaves which emerge from a seed, the cotyledons, always stay below ground. And, rather neatly, the pea plant is an example of this.

photo by Carl Davies CSIRO
So good luck with spotting something hypogeal. It's a new way of looking a the world, isn't it?
Spot the Frippet: something hypogeal. This word comes from the Latin hypogēus, from the Greek hupogeios, from hypo- under, plus ge, earth.
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