Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills. We inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.
Our goal is to achieve excellence in education and skills for leaders of all ages, and in the care of children and young people.
There's also reassurance that Ofsted's evaluation tools and frameworks are valid and reliable.
Well, that's all good, isn't it.
Right, then, here's a slide from a talk by Ofsted's Head of English, Sarah Hubbard.

What do you think?
Personally, not only has it persuaded me that I am not a good reader, but it has also persuaded me that I really can't be bothered to become one.
Somehow I doubt that was Ms Hubbard's intention.
Word To Use Today: slide. This slide was presumably presented via Powerpoint, but in the olden days images to be shared were printed on small squares of transparent film framed in cardboard. Each one had to be slid in front of a bright light which projected the enlarged image onto a screen.
It was much more fun than powerpoint because there was always a chance the image would come up upside-down.

Carousel slide projector, photo by Adamantios. The slides in this incredibly sophisticated device* were fitted into the groves in the disc on the top, and then dropped down in front of the light source by means of a switch.
The word slide comes from the Old English slīdan and is related to various other slippery words such as sliderian, to slither.
*Well, it was once.
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