photo by High Contrast
But without the word hanger then where should I put my coat? you may be asking.
But it's not the word hanger I'm talking about. It's the word hanger.
No, I can't see any difference, either, but the pronunciation of the word I'm talking about is hang-ger, with a hard g, as in goat.
Yes, it's a silly word.
Yes, it rhymes with anger.
Yes, there's a good reason for that.
Hanger (hanGer? Hangger?) comes from the new word hangry, which describes the irritability experienced when hungry.
A new study, Feeling Hangry? When Hunger is Conceptualized as Emotion by Jennifer MacCormack and Kristen Lindquist at the University of North Carolina, has shown the effects of annoying people when they are hungry,and also when they are full. The results show that people tend to be a bit less positive about things when they're hungry, though only if they don't realise that hunger is the problem. If they do realise that hunger is the problem then instead of snapping at people they tend to go off and buy themselves a sandwich instead.
Hangry has now entered the Oxford English Dictionary, where, let's face it, hardly anyone will see it so it can't do much harm.
But will the presence of the word in the real world give people an excuse to be horrible before lunch, or encourage them to eat a bit sooner?
I don't know that: but what I do know is that hangers should only be for garments.
Garments and aircraft.
Word Not To Use Today: hanger. I don't know who coined this word, but he or she was a fool. The Old Norse angr meant grief, and the Latin angere means to strangle.
I know how they felt.
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