The fifth of November...
we all used to chant in the school playground
...With gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever - be - forGOT.
This is England's bonfire-and-firework night. On the fifth of November 1605 terrorist plotters:

tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The dastardly dark deed was discovered just in time, saving many lives.
We're still celebrating, hundreds of years later.
I think the clue's in the rhyme.
No, not the gunpowder, and not the treason: it's the plot that gets us. It's the plot that catches our attention and makes a home so satisfyingly in our minds.
Of course books without plots are reckoned rather clever at the moment, but as far as I'm concerned they're like a car without wheels: beautiful, interesting and intricate, perhaps - but not going anywhere at all.
Now, don't you want to know more about the Gunpowder Plot?
Of course you do.
You can find all about it HERE.
Word To Use Today: plot. This Old English word means piece of land. It's probably come to mean story partly because of the Old French complot, which means conspiracy.
Hear Hear! A book without a plot is BORING and i generally give them up pretty damn quick. Or quickly if we're being pedantic. from Adele
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you agree, Adele. And I mean, whatever is the point of fiction if it's exactly the same as stuff that isn't fiction? The fiction bit is supposed to be a bonus and a help!