This blog is for everyone who uses words.

The ordinary-sized words are for everyone, but the big ones are especially for children.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Sunday Rest: garage. Word Not To Use Today.

The trouble with the word garage is, of course, that there's no acceptable way to say it.



or, in the French way,

gaRARjhe (to rhyme with fromage)?

In these circumstances, any attempt at pronouncing the word is a perilous undertaking. 

GArridge is said to be both upper and lower class, and GArahge is said to be middle class. 

gaRARghe is strictly for snobs (unless you're French, when it's fine).

To make things worse, even though more or less everyone is now middle class, no one wants to admit it.

So what's the solution?

Well, round here, most people are converting the blasted things into playrooms or kitchens.

Word Not To Use Today: garage. This word comes from French, of course, from garer to dock (a ship) from an Old French word meaning to protect. It's basically the same word as the war- words that are to do with protection, like ward and wardrobe.


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