'No good can come of association with anything labelled Gwladys or Ysobel or Ethyl or Mabelle or Kathryn. But particularly Gwladys', said that great sage PG Wodehouse.
And, as far as I can tell, he was right.
The same principle applies, I suspect, to anything deliberately misspelled. Anything named Brite-skrub, Sooper-slurrp, Eezy-kleen, Wizzo-kloth, Kalorie-skrimp, Bubbel-lite or Meety-choo.
Avoid them. They are designed, not for illiterates - if only - but for those idiots who find illiteracy amusing.
And is illiteracy amusing?
Well, let's make a list of all the life-chances people miss through being literate, shall we?
Short, isn't it?
Thing Not To Buy Today: one spelled deliberately wrongly. There's a product for sale called Kiwi Kleen, for instance - though as I don't personally own a kiwi I've so far not had any use for it.
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