Photo of a chiffon cake by Snp at Japanese wiki
The word cakeage has just been allowed into the Oxford English Dictionary.
I love this word. Oh, the juicy squidge of that second syllable, cascading syrupy sweetness into the mouth.
What does cakeage mean?
Well, probably pretty much what you'd think. It's to do with cake.
And the age part? Well, the word works along the same lines as corkage, which is the amount you pay to a restaurant for it to open and serve a bottle of your own wine.
Cakeage is slightly different, because restaurants tend to frown upon people taking their own food along to eat (although...actually, I could see that working quite well as a business model). Cakeage is the money a cafe or restaurant charges to customers to eat cake that's been bought from somewhere else, i.e. not made on the premises.
The only trouble with this gorgeous word is that I can't see nearly enough opportunities to use it.
Still, there will be some:
'Ooh, is it homemade?'
'No, but it's all right, I don't charge cakeage.'
The English language has just got considerably more glorious.
Word To Use Today: cakeage. The word cake comes from the Old Norse kaka.
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