Ah well, look at it this way: if you can survive today then you can survive anything.
So let's put a little joy into the day by thinking of something jolly.
Well, given that different things make people giggle, how about the word scat?
Scat can be a form of jazz characterised by nonsense sounds:
Or it can be animal poo:

This is black bear poo. Presumably found in a wood.
Or a scat can be a type of fish of the Asian family Scatophagus argus, which is very beautiful (the argus bit implies lots of eyes):
photo by Guérin Nicolas
but, although very handsome, its menu choice must surely make the rest of us feel rather blessed.
Bon appetit!
Word To Use Today: scat. The jazz word is probably an imitation of the sounds people make when singing it. The other words come from the Greek skat- which I'm afraid means dung. I'm even more afraid that -phagus is to do with eating.
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