Like nozzle.

This is a rocket nozzle, which is somehow even funnier.
So, where will you see your first nozzle today? At a petrol station? In an ice cream van? A coffee shop?
Will you be icing a cake, or greasing a wheel, or relaxing in a jacuzzi?
Putting out a fire, spraying your hair, vacuuming a carpet?
Dusting a candlestick (yes, a candlestick: the bit you put the candle in is called the nozzle)?
Or will you be staring blearily in the mirror at your own great big nozzle?
You know something? I think today might be enjoy-a-nozzle day.
Cast your own personal vote for top nozzle!
Spot the Frippet: nozzle. This word is a diminutive of nose.
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