As serried only ever appears next to the word rank, so farrago only comes coupled with lies.
It's a farrago of lies! people say - in Britain probably with reference to our EU referendum.
What they mean by this is that it's a conglomeration of untruths! A travesty! Cobbled-together falsehoods!
But what does the word farrago mean at root?
Well, to be honest with you, it's all a bit of a cow's dinner.

Turning kitchen waste into cattle feed, Britain 1942 Ministry of Information
Word To Use Today: farrago. This word is the Latin for mash for cattle, that is, a mixture of all sorts of dubious stuff. The word comes from the Latin fār, which means spelt (an early form of wheat).
PS On second thoughts, perhaps lies isn't such a rare environment after all.
No wonder the word continues to thrive.
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